The Ethical Trainer: Fighting Age Discrimination in Fitness Webinar #WOD-090123

Ageism, prejudice and discrimination based on age, affects every older adult at some point. Unchecked, ageism can cost billions in lost opportunities, affect quality of life, increase stress and shorten life span. This workshop will explain the roots of ageism, allow the participant to identify ageist thoughts and behaviors and understand that even "nice" people can be ageist. As older adults occupy an ever-increasing share of the fitness and personal training market, fitness professionals must be vigilant to make sure that ageist beliefs, attitudes and stereotypes do not influence their training design. This workshop will define ageism, teach participants to be aware of the signs and offer examples of how to avoid defining clients by their age. The end result? Concrete actions to identify and root out ageism in fitness. Designed and developed specifically to fulfill the new ACE "ethics" ConEd requirement, this course must be completed by December 31, 2024.

0.10 ACE
The Ethical Trainer:Fighting Age Discrimination in Fitness
© 2023
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Price: $25.00