Frequently Asked Questions

Brains & Balance Past 60
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Can I use the term Brains & Balance Past 60 for my classes?

Sadly, no: “Brains & Balance Past 60™” is a trademarked term and can only be used by individuals who are certified in “Brains & Balance Past 60™”

For more information write us at:

Conflict of Interest
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Are Exercise ETC Presenters sponsored by third party vendors?

Exercise ETC faculty are not paid by, compensated by or sponsored by any third party or outside vendor, organization or interest.  In the unlikely event that there would be a conflict, faculty are contractually obligated to reveal the conflict to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. 

Continuing Education
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Can I use the same CE course more than once?

The answer is .... maybe. Some certifications (ACE, AEA) absolutely forbid it. Some are much more lenient. If in doubt call your certifying agency BEFORE you order.  But we don't encourage you to use the same program over and over again --  it kind of defeats the purpose of continuing education, doesn't it? Click here to check your order history to avoid purchasing a duplicate program:

How can I get a replacement CE certificate?
Need a replacement CE certificate? No need to call the office! You can now locate and print your own CE certificates! Click here:

Exercise ETC Faculty
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Is it true that everyone on your faculty has an advanced degree? Why does it matter?

We think it matters a great deal.  It might be old fashioned to say so, but education is important, especially for people who are teaching other professionals.  Our instructors,  all of whom hold  an advanced degree, have a demonstrated familiarity with research protocols and a great capacity for both critical and abstract thought. Writing a thesis or a dissertation requires the ability to construct a logical narrative  and the ability to both make and defend a point verbally. And finally,  our faculty is exceptionally well-read,  having access to some of the most reputable and influential journals in the industry. Are these traits unique only to people with advanced degrees?  Of course not.  But we believe that to give our participants the best educational experience possible, having  highly educated faculty is a major step.  That's why everyone on our faculty has, minimally, a Master's Degree (several have two!) and we also have Ph D's and Medical Doctors as well. And everyone holds multiple, credible certifications too!

Home Study (Correspondence) Courses
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How are continuing education credits for home study courses determined?

Home study credits are determined by an objective (and wildly complex) formula based on the number of words in the book, the number of questions on the test and the difficulty level of the course. What does this mean to you? Bigger books with lots of test questions are worth more credits than thin books with short tests.  Pretty simple when phrased that way, no?

How are Exercise ETC tests developed?

All exams and quizzes are developed by Exercise ETC’s staff of trained item writers. All of our item writers have either a Master’s degree or a PhD  in the subject matter relevant to the exam or quiz they are developing. In addition, they have been trained  in Exercise ETC’s style of systematic item writing and test construction.  In addition,  a final review and approval of all exams and quizzes is conducted by an administrator with a Master’s or PhD  in Education or Higher Education Administration. 

CE awards are calculated based on the Mergener Formula, a standardized method that computes CE awards based on the length and complexity of a book as well as the number of items on the test.

How can an eBook be "out of stock"?

When you purchase an eBook (digital book)  you are purchasing a digital keycode that gives you access to the text.  Even though the book itself is digital the keycodes are bought and sold as though they are physical inventory.  What that means is that Exercise ETC must buy the keycodes from our publishers before we can sell them to our customers.  From there it is good old fashioned "supply and demand."   Our buyers anticipate demand when purchasing the keycodes but if demand exceeds supply the eBook is listed as "out of stock."  If the book you wanted is "out of stock"  and you can't wait, here's the fast fix:  Buy the eBook directly from the publisher and buy the eTest from us.  Fast and simple!

How can you sell books so cheap? What's the catch?

No catch, no gimmick. We sell a huge volume of books and so we are able to negotiate a great quantity discount with our publisher. It might seem quaint, but then we pass those discounts on to our customers.  Could we sell our programs for a lot more money? Of course we could! (Many of our competitors do!)  But we don't want to gouge you.  We'd rather sell our books at a fair price  that allows us to make a fair profit in the hopes that you will remember us and keep coming back to us year after year --  as many of our customers do!

I did not get my test when I received my home study program!

When you order a correspondence (home study) program from us you will receive a textbook. Your book will be sent to you via the Us Postal Service's Priority Mail Service. Your test will be emailed to you as soon as you place your order. To access your test, scroll down on your receipt. When you see the underlined test title, click on the title to open the test. Then you can either print it out or save it to your hard drive -- or both!

Is it REALLY on-line testing?

Nope: what we offer is on-line grading; there's a difference. Here's how it works:  You take your test the old-school way by writing your answers down in your test booklet or on any old piece of paper.  When you're done you go onto our website and transfer your answers onto our on-line answer sheet; this is a "bubble" sheet  which will remind you of your SAT exam in high school.  Unlike the SATs, however, your test will be graded instantly.  Then if you get 70% or more correct we instantly e-mail you your continuing ed certificate.  (And if you lose your certificate we keep a digital copy on file for you!)



Shipping Costs
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How are shipping charges computed?

Shipping costs are based on two things: the weight of the parcel and the distance to be shipped.  Books, though small, are heavy for their size and since we are way, way down in extreme southern Florida, it increases the shipping distance to many parts of the country.  We ship our materials via the US Postal Service's Priority Mail service. This service is fast,  convenient and extremely accurate.  Better yet we can go on-line 24/7 and know exactly where any parcel is, plus they email our customers to tell them when to expect their delivery. We're not naming names, but we've used other delivery services which were marginally cheaper but the service was awful.

Specialty Certificates
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Is a Specialty Certificate a "Certification?"

Unfortunately, no.   Our  "Specialty Programs"    are not  certification programs:   Remember that “certification”  is a legal term that requires some type of proctored, objective examination and continuing education credits are required to maintain the credential.   Our live programs do not require an examination so no "certification" is rewarded.  But many of our participants have found these free certificates to be very valuable marketing tools to document specialized training in a concentrated area of fitness.

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What is the deadline to view webinars-on-demand?
Webinars must be used, and your certificates must be printed, in the calendar year in which the webinar was ordered. We put an expiration date on all of our webinars because webinars that are viewed too long after purchase may no longer be accepted by your certifying organization; this is to ensure that the material you are studying always contains the most recent, up to date information available! EXAMPLE:  Webinars ordered in calendar year 2020 must be completed by 12/31/20.