Suspension Training: Form & Function Webinar #WOD-100922
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This webinar will change your approach to suspension training! It is the ultimate resource for any fitness professional, from beginner to experienced, who wants to take their clients' suspension workouts to the next level. Starting from a foundation of structural kinesiology, it will show you dozens of unique exercise variations along with the most common errors and remediations, progressions and regressions. It is also chock-filed with recommendations so you can effectively design, develop and implement suspension programs for strength, power and core stability. Whether you are training in a gym, at home or outside, this webinar will be your constant training companion.

Click here for more details on this webinar.

NOTE: You have until December 31, 2025 to complete this course.

0.20 ACE
2.00 ACSM
2.00 AEA / AF
2.00 AFAA
2.00 BOC Cat A
0.20 CSCS
2.00 FAI
2.00 IFPA
2.00 ISSA
0.20 NASM
0.20 NCCPT
0.40 NFPT
Suspension Training: Form & Function
© 2022
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Price: $25.00 $12.50 (Save 50%)