Strength Bands: Form & Function Webinar #WOD-102822

Strength band training has become so common it's almost become routine, and many fitness trainers just use elastic equipment the exact same way they would use a dumbbell. If so, they are doing themselves and their clients a huge disservice! This webinar is going to show you easy methods of attaching your elastic equipment at different levels to get a safe, effective workout that can be done literally anywhere with a minimal financial investment. You'll see video clips of exercise variations you've probably never though of and see modifications that will make specific exercises more comfortable and more effective. Better yet, you'll see band exercises appropriate for any client at any fiotness level! NOTE: You have until 12/31/2025 to complete this webinar.

Click here for more details on this webinar.

0.20 ACE
2.00 ACSM
2.00 AEA / AF
2.00 AFAA
2.00 BOC Cat A
0.30 CSCS
2.00 FAI
2.00 IFPA
2.00 ISSA
0.20 NASM
2.00 NCCPT
0.40 NFPT
Strength Bands: Form & Function
© 2022
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