Beyond Cardio: Sweat Equity & Weight Management LIVE Webinar Event #WOD-111220
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High-intensity metabolic training is the next trend in cardio fitness, and this webinar will show you how to design fat-burning programs that will utilize all three of the body's energy systems to design a workout that is effective, sustainable and fun. To increase your client's compliance you'll also explore how American eating habits are partly responsible for the obesity epidemic and how as a species humans are hardwired to overeat. Finally, you'll discover how to integrate healthy eating with metabolic training for weight control that can be maintained! NOTE: This is a LIVE webinar event that will count as Category A CECs for people with an NSCA or CSCS certification. The recorded version of a live webinar still counts as a Category A event for NSCA.

Click here for more details on this webinar.

0.20 ACE
2.00 ACSM
2.00 AEA / AF
2.00 AFAA
2.00 BOC Cat A
0.30 CSCS
2.00 FAI
2.00 IFPA
2.00 ISSA
0.20 NASM
0.20 NCCPT
Beyond Cardio: Sweat Equity & Weight Management LIVE Webinar Event
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Price: $25.00