Strength Training for Fat Loss 2nd Edition #CC204
Textbook Included

Many weight loss plans focus only on cardio training -- with an inherent risk of losing muscle mass as well as fat. In "Strength Training for Fat Loss, Second Edition", internationally renowned trainer Nick Tumminello shows you how to implement strength training programs to burn fat and add muscle to transform your client's physique. He explains how using metabolic strength training modalities -- circuits, combinations, and complexes -- will enhance metabolism and maximize fat loss while maintaining and adding muscle. He discusses how to defuse concerns your female clients may have about "bulking up" as a result of strength training. You'll love how he explains the benefits of strength training for fat loss for clients who for a variety of reasons ("bad knees", "bad hips", "cardio is boring") don't want to, or cannot, use the treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical trainer. This remarkable book will give you a new appreciation for how to integrate fat loss protocols into your client's routines. Please note: This is a brand new CE course with a new course title and/or new approval numbers for your CE awards.

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1.20 ACE
15.00 AEA / AF
9.00 AFAA
12.00 BOC Cat A
1.00 CSCS
12.00 FAI
12.00 IFPA
12.00 ISSA
0.90 NASM
1.20 NCCPT
2.40 NFPT
Strength Training for Fat Loss 2nd Edition
© 2024
Pages: 304
Questions: 250
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Price: $179.00 $44.00 (Save 75%)
(Includes hard copy of book, eTest and free instant grading.)
Price: $129.00 $29.00 (Save 78%)
(Includes only the eTest and free instant grading.)
Book is NOT Included
Price: $169.00 $44.00 (Save 74%)
(Includes eBook, eTest and free instant grading.)