Functional Core for Women #CC199
Textbook Included

Written for women by a woman, "Functional Core for Women" explains the core’s anatomy to show how the abs and glutes work together with more than 45 ab and glute exercises that are designed to improve physique, function, and strength. Derived from a variety of disciplines, including traditional weight training, Pilates and yoga, each exercise features step-by-step instructions, variations, equipment options, progressions and regressions. You’ll also find detailed sample workouts to get you started, along with the guidance you need to create and customize your own program. If your client has struggled with building a stronger core to improve her fitness and self-confidence, it’s time for a transformation! With "Functional Core for Women" you can help your client challenge her existing fitness level and unlock the potential to change the way her body looks and feels. Softcover.

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1.00 ACE
10.00 ACSM
10.00 AEA / AF
8.00 AFAA
10.00 BOC Cat A
10.00 FAI
10.00 IFPA
10.00 ISSA
0.80 NASM
1.00 NCCPT
2.00 NFPT
Functional Core for Women
© 2023
Pages: 205
Questions: 225
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Price: $169.00 $39.00 (Save 77%)
(Includes hard copy of book, eTest and free instant grading.)
Price: $129.00 $24.00 (Save 81%)
(Includes only the eTest and free instant grading.)
Book is NOT Included
Price: $169.00 $39.00 (Save 77%)
(Includes eBook, eTest and free instant grading.)