Full-Body Flexibility 2nd Edition #CC143
Textbook Included

Improve flexibility, balance, and strength in three steps! Only the Full-Body Flexibility system blends the best stretching methods from yoga, Pilates, martial arts, and sports training into stretching sequences for your every need. In this updated edition, you'll find 175 stretches and 23 routines that will help you take these step to enhance flexibility by challenging your muscles with multiple techniques and balance muscles in opposing muscle groups on both sides of your body. Use the book's step-by-step instruction and detailed full-color photo sequences to enhance your body's natural movement, reduce muscular tension, strengthen joints, improve posture, and take your athletic performance to new heights. Softcover.

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7.00 AEA / AF
7.00 FAI
7.00 IFPA
7.00 ISSA
0.70 NCCPT
1.40 NFPT
Full-Body Flexibility 2nd Edition
© 2011
Pages: 252
Questions: 100
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Price: $159.00
(Includes hard copy of book, eTest and free instant grading.)