Earn Continuing Education Credit

All of our continuing education programs (live programs, home study courses and webinars) are approved or accepted by one or more major Certifying Organizations including:

Many more!
After the description for each course is a listing of the number of CEs that course is approved for. Make sure to verify that the course you want is approved by your organization. Make sure to do this before your make your purchase:Not all of our CE courses are approved by all certifications.

Don’t see your organization listed here? Call them and request that they accept Exercise ETC home study courses!


Exercise ETC has been recognized as a Continuing Education Provider by the American Council on Exercise since 1993.


The American College of Sports Medicine's Professional Education Committee certifies that Exercise ETC meets the criteria for official ACSM Approved Provider status from 2024 – 2026.


Exercise ETC has been an AEA-approved CE Provider since 1999. AEA awards different CEs for land-based vs. water-based ConEd programs so make sure to check the CE awards before you purchase a course.


As of January 1, 2016 AFAA will now accept home study programs provided by Exercise ETC. Not all programs are pre-approved by AFAA, however, so make sure to read the awards statement following each course description to make sure the course is AFAA approved, and for how many CEUs. Exercise ETC is recognized by the National Academy of Sports Medicine and AFAA as a Continuing Education Provider.

BOC (Board of Certification for Athletic Trainers)

Exercise ETC meets the criteria for BOC Approved Provider status through December 31, 2024.


Exercise ETC has been an approved CE provider for the NSCA-CSCS since 1998. Approved home study courses and recorded webinars count as "Category C" (home study) CEs and live classes and live webinars count as "Category A" (live event) CEs. All courses and events currently approved by the NSCA can be confirmed on the NSCA website at https://www.nsca.com/certification/approved-ceus/ If you have questions specific to your re-certification, contact the NSCA directly.


FAI is a recognized CE provider by the Functional Aging Institute.


IFPA does not independently approve Exercise ETC programs but they will accept any programs that are approved by ACE.


Exercise ETC is proud to be a marketing and continuing education partner with ISSA.


Exercise ETC has been a NASM-approved continuing education provider since 1999. Not all programs are pre-approved by NASM however, so make sure to read the awards statement following each course description to make sure the course is NASM approved, and for how many CECs. Exercise ETC is recognized by the National Academy of Sports Medicine and AFAA as a Continuing Education Provider.


These organizations do not independently approve Exercise ETC programs but often they will accept any programs that are approved by ACE. Check with them to verify acceptance BEFORE purchase.


Exercise Etc. is recognized as a Continuing Education Provider by the National Federation of Professional Trainers. NFPT has pre-approved all Exercise ETC courses for CEC awards. NFPT requires 2.0 CECs per certification year. Each Exercise ETC course award varies, from between 0.5 - 1.5 CECs, based on the estimated number of participation hours. Please see the NFPT/Exercise ETC CE Award Chart for the specific NFPT CEC awards for each Exercise ETC course.


Exercise ETC has been an approved CE provider for the NSCA since 1998. Approved home study courses and webinars count as "Category C" (home study) CEs and live classes and live webinars count as "Category A" (live event) CEs. All courses and events currently approved by the NSCA can be confirmed on the NSCA website at https://www.nsca.com/certification/approved-ceus/ If you have questions specific to your re-certification, contact the NSCA directly.

Physical Therapists

Many State Boards of Physical Therapy Licensure/Accreditation will accept Exercise ETC CEs. Check with the Board in your state to verify acceptance BEFORE purchasing a ConEd course. It is your responsibility to know whether or not your State Licensing Board will accept credits provided by Exercise ETC.

Registered Dietitians

Exercise ETC has successfully met all 11 standards to become a Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Accredited Provider through the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR). The accreditation period is effective until June, 2024.


WITS does not usually accept Exercise ETC programs but sometimes they do. Ask them. Good luck.

TBA Credits

When a course has been submitted for approval to a certifying organization but we have not yet been officially notified as to the number of CECs/CEUs it is approved for, we list the credits for that course as “TBA.” This means that we have every expectation that the course will be approved for a number of credits comparable to the other certification organizations you see listed. In the unlikely event that the course is not approved for CEC/CEU credit by your organization we will issue you either a full refund or an in-house credit equal to the full purchase price – and you may keep the original book for your library.

Scope of Practice

Exercise ETC educational programs adhere to the scope of practice guidelines established by NSCA, the National Strength & Conditioning Association. These guidelines state that Fitness Professionals,

Double Dip!

Do you have more than one certification? You can use your Exercise ETC CE program towards the renewal of several of your certifications because our courses are approved or accepted by dozens of different certifying bodies. If you want to double dip, click here to select the organizations whose certifications you hold.

Big Savings On Sale Items!

Make sure you check out our on-line specials to see our special sale items, many at 50 – 70% off.


Call 1-800-244-1344 or email info@exerciseetc.com for more information!